
Dependencies on CentOS7

bobmclaren opened this issue · 4 comments

I just went through dependency hell on 4 different servers before I finally got this script to run on my CentOS 7 server.

In the hopes of saving someone else the torment I endured, here is a quick rundown of what I had to do. Bear in mind that this was on a pretty stripped down installation of CentOS, so a lot of things people take for granted (like gcc) were not installed.

(logged in as root)

yum install gcc gcc-c++ python-devel libpcap-devel
curl "" -o ""
pip install enum pcapy pyasn1 pycrypto scapy scapy-ssl-tls

After all this, I still receive the following warning message, but the script appears to be running as expected.

Import Error - most likely due to missing pycrypto libraries - disabling crypto functionality
ImportError('cannot import name TLSHandshake',)

nimia commented

Much appreciated!
I feel this is somewhat of a rare case, so the readme simply links to this issue.
Thanks a lot for taking the time to document this!


You downloaded the GitHub webpage instead of the source file, the solution should be easy 😆

@Slammis That looks to me like your contains unexpected HTML content rather than the script content. Something has likely gone awry with your download.

python-pyasn1 has been installed (CentOS 6.7) however also receiving "ImportError: No module named asn1" error.