SpaCell has been developed for analysing spatial transcriptomics (ST) data, which include imaging data of tissue sections and RNA expression data across the tissue sections. The ST data add a novel spatial dimension to the traditional gene expression data, which derive from dissociated cells. The ST data also add molecular information to a typical histological image. Spacell is desinged to integrates the two histopathological imaging and sequencing fields, with the ultimate aim to discover novel biology and to improve histopathological diagnosis.
SpaCell implements (deep) neural network (NN) models likea multi-input and multi-output autoencoder, transfer learning with or without fine tuning and residual and separable convolutional NN architectures to identify cell types or to predict disease stages. The NN integrates millions of pixel intensity values with thousands of gene expression measurements from spatially-barcoded spots in a tissue. Prior to model training, SpaCell enables users for implement a comprehensive data preprocessing workflow to filter, combine, and normalise images and gene expression matrices.
- Requirements:
[python 3.6+]
[TensorFlow 1.4.0]
[scikit-learn 0.18]
[keras 2.2.4]
[seaborn 0.9.0]
[opencv 4.1.1]
[pandas 0.25.0]
[pillow 6.1.0]
[python-spams 2.6.1]
[staintools 2.1.2]
- Installation:
2.1 Download from GitHub
git clone https://github.com/BiomedicalMachineLearning/Spacell.git
2.2 Install from PyPi
pip install SpaCell
To meet the requirements, we recommend user to use conda environment:
conda create -y -name spacell python==3.7
conda install -y -name spacell -c conda-forge --file requirements.txt
conda activate spacell
- Specify the dataset directory and output directory.
- Specify model parameters.
python image_normalization.py
python count_matrix_normalization.py
python dataset_management.py
python spacell_classification.py
python spacell_clustering.py -i /path/to/one/image.jpg -l /path/to/iamge/tiles/ -c /path/to/count/matrix/ -e 100 -k 2 -o /path/to/output/
is number of training epochs-k
is number of expected clusters
python spacell_validation.py -d /path/to/data -a annotation.png -w wsi.jpeg -m affine_tranformation_matrix.txt -o output_folder -k clustering_predictions.tsv -c annotation_colour_range
is annotation colour range thresholds - blue_low green_low red_low blue_upper green_upper red_low-t
indicates that annotations are not closed paths, so spacell with try to close the paths-f
downscale factor if the input whole slide image has already been downscaled-s
spot size, optional, usually set automatically
For evaluating the algorithm, ALS (Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) dataset, prostate cancer dataset, and a high density spatial transcriptomic HDST dataset were used.
If you find Spacell useful in your research, please consider citing:
Xiao Tan, Andrew T Su, Minh Tran, Quan Nguyen (2019). SpaCell: integrating tissue morphology and spatial gene expression to predict disease cells. (Manuscript is currently under-review)
The software is under active development by the Biomedical Machine Learning Lab at the Institute for Molecular Bioscience (IMB, University of Queensland).
Please contact Dr Quan Nguyen (quan.nguyen@uq.edu.au), Andrew Su (a.su@uq.edu.au), and Xiao Tan (xiao.tan@uq.edu.au) for issues, suggestions, and we very welcome collaboration opportunities.