
Shuffle icon not showing up

kernelb00t opened this issue · 0 comments

Did you read the README?

  • I have read the README, the theme is installed/configured correctly and the "Troubleshooting" section contains no information related to my problem

Do you have the latest versions of Spicetify, Spotify and Bloom?

  • I'm using the latest versions of Spicetify, Spotify and Bloom

Is there already an issue for your problem?

  • I have checked older issues, open and closed

Is your problem definitely caused by the theme?

  • I have checked the app behavior without the theme and it is different

Environment & Computer Info

- Spotify version:
- Installed from: Arch Linux AUR
- Spicetify version: 2.28.0
- Color scheme: Darkmono
- Extensions: see backup.json
- Custom apps: none
- Bloom installation method: Spicetify Marketplace


  1. Install Spotify, Spicetify and Marketplace with AUR with yay -S spotify spicetify-cli spicetify-marketplace-bin
  2. Follow Spicetify Advanced Installation AUR instructions.
  3. Start Spotify, and restore backup string (see backup.json)
  4. Reload Spotify
  5. Start a playlist, and see the shuffle button is not showing. Instead, there's a misaligned round dot (see screenshot).


