
Board game for 2-4 players over the Internet with a GUI and an AI opponent

Primary LanguageJava

README file for teams' Quoridor Project

        Eric Cavanagh   - Misspell Caster
        Montana Earle   - Queen of Laughs-a-Lot
        Tylor Lehman    - Board Master
        Dan Soucy       - Golden Canadian
        Collin Walling  - Does things

        01: How to run the game
        02: Gradle Help
        03: Tips


[01] How to run the game:

    0. Build all class files with ./gradlew build

    1. Navigate to ./build/libs

    2. Start up at least two MoveServers (in different terminals), give
         them unique port numbers and a user type

            java -cp quoridorscmoridor-3.3.jar MoveServer 1234 user

        *note: you may have permission issues with this file. run
               chmod +x quoridorschmoridor-3.3.jar and voila!

         =                   VALID USER TYPES                   =
         = user         --> human player                        =
         = lr           --> simple AI that moves left and right =
         = rd           --> simple AI that makes random moves   =
         = fcrd         --> flip coin roll dice                 =
         = maybe        --> teams' awesome ai                   =

    3. Run Game in another terminal. Give it the port-host of the
         participating MoveServers
            java -cp quoridorscmoridor-3.3.jar Game localhost:1234 \

         You can also start a 4-player game using a similar setup

                ... localhost 1234 Whiteface 5678 Gothics 9012 \
                    Redfield 3456

         Note that the \ just means to continue the command onto the
         next line. You do not need to do this.

    4. Play the game! You have to input moves via the terminal that is
         running the respective MoveServer

         An example move for player 0 is V-B (moves down)

         An example wall for any player is (IV-D,V-D), which places
         a horizontal wall starting at IV-D and ending at V-D

         Use the labels printed on the graphic display to guide your


[02] Gradle Help:

    1. If you have never run gradle, you might have to install it. run:


    2. It should say downloading gradle..................
         afterward you can run 

                ./gradlew build 
                ./gradlew clean

         The first builds the whole project (including running any tests),
         the second removes the build.

    3. After you have built the code, run the following:

                java -cp build/libs/quoridorschmoridor.jar Main

         for an example of running a program.


[03] Tips

    1. Easy gradle build function

        add this to your .bashrc or .zshrc :

                function gb() {
                    pushd . > /dev/null
                    # you might have to adjust this line below
                    cd "$HOME/405/teams/" > /dev/null
                    ./gradlew build "$@"
                    popd > /dev/null

        you can now type gb from any directory to build the project!
          also you can pass arguments to gb like this: gb clean

    2. Run class files from anywhere

        this will allow you to run any of your class files for our project
          regardless of what directory you are currently in

                export CLASSPATH="$HOME/teams/build/classes/main$CLASSPATH"

    3. better git log
        configure git alias:
            git config --global alias.lg "log --color --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --abbrev-commit"


            git lg

    4. gitk

    5. other gradle build options

            gb javadoc
                outputs html files in build/docs/javadoc/

            gb jar
                does exactly what it says on the tin (uh...)

    6. git shortlog -ns (thanks matt)

            prints a list of each member's name along with their number of commits