
Cowboy TLS verifies SAN and CN

lauragrechenko opened this issue · 3 comments

we have a server which uses Cowboy with the ssl option {verify, verify_peer}.
But the server accepts the client requests and ignores SAN values.

Does Cowboy (ssl verify_peer option) validate SAN and CN or should it be implemented by users (in verify_fun for ex.)?
Thank you for your time and help.

essen commented

Cowboy doesn't do anything it only gives the options you provide to the ssl application. Cowboy only sets ALPN.

@essen Thank you. I saw that it gives all provided options to ssl.
But maybe you know if setup veify_peer in Cowboy, as a result, SAN is verified or not because on different forums I saw different answers.

essen commented

I'm not following ssl closely. I suspect it might differ depending on Erlang version, but I don't really know.