
Is Amber extensible to implement Higher Kinded Type system?

wpoosanguansit opened this issue · 2 comments

I read your blog and found it very interesting and educational. So I am just curious if can HKT be implemented in Amber. If yes, is there any plan to? I would love to learn how things like HKT is implemented from scratch like you have laid out in your blog on Lisp like system. Thanks.

Creating HKT for Amber itself is very difficult because of its homoiconicity.
I think some approximation and staging computation is necessary.
Of course you can implement other language which has HKT using Amber when the type system
has sound and complete algorithm.

I plan to implement a typed language as a library of Amber for writing next generation VM and it's nice if the language can have higher-order type system. I need survey.

One vote from me. Please blog about your process, too. Would really love to learn about it. Thanks!

On Jun 12, 2015, at 6:39 PM, nineties wrote:

Creating HKT for Amber itself is very difficult because of its homoiconicity.
I think some approximation and stating computation is necessary.
Of course you can implement other language which has HKT using Amber when the type system
has sound and complete algorithm.

I plan to implement a typed language as a library of Amber for writing next generation VM and it's nice if the language can have higher-order type system. I need survey.

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