
Use drip in intellij idea

kindlychung opened this issue · 4 comments

Is there a way to use drip in intellij idea? Possible usages:

  1. Run the IDE itself in drip
  2. Run main methods in drip (ctrl-shift-R)
  3. Run tests in drip


This is rather easily done.

  • Modify before the if statement checking if the jdk exists.

When this is done, idea launches using drip. However, it will not successfully launch another time, because drip launches its JVM with -Djava.awt.headless=true.

  • Find the line which is like this:
$drip_daemon $DRIP_JAVA_CMD "${jvm_args[@]}" -Djava.awt.headless=true \

and remove the -Djava.awt.headless=true so it is like this:

$drip_daemon $DRIP_JAVA_CMD "${jvm_args[@]}"  \

Idea should now launch successfully using drip.

Have fun.

Has anyone tried this on a Mac? It seems that everything specifies JAVA_HOME and not the java executable so not sure what the best approach might be.


I ended up renaming java to java-orig in the JDK install I'm using, edited the drip script to use java-orig, then symlinked java to drip. Seems to be working so far...