
Can't add behavior IronControlState to component

Closed this issue · 7 comments

(asked in stackoverflow as well

Trying to add the behavior for IronControlState to my web component. Here's a minimal working example:
Html Template"

<link rel="import" href="../bower_components/iron-behaviors/iron-control-state.html">

<dom-module id="beh-test">
    <button on-click="func">BUTTON</button>

TS code:

declare var Polymer: {IronControlState: {focused: boolean} };

export class BehTest extends polymer.Base {

  func() {

  ready() {
    console.log('beh-test ready');

Polymer.IronControlState is being imported correctly (it get printed to the console when func() is called ), but it's behaviour isn't being added. The browser console kicks out the warning [beh-test::_flattenBehaviorsList]: behavior is null, check for missing or 404 import

What am I doing wrong?

I think the @behavior(param) decorator expects param to be a TypeScript class with a .prototype property where to read from. It doesn't work with plain objects.

Perhaps we could extend it to accept plain objects too.

But first I would check this is the issue, can you confirm?

This sounds like it's the issue. It would be nice to extend to plain objects so I can use behaviours from the generic Polymer components library

It was an easy fix, if there is a .prototype works the old way, otherwise use the plain javascript object. Tell me if does (not) work.

This certainly solves the problem of my minimal example. I'm having trouble registering focus-changed events from my component, but I don't know if this is my fault or if the behavior isn't being completely inherited. I'll let you know if I can't solve the problem.

Thanks for addressing this so quickly!

@joshmutus why is it necessary to export the class in your example to get this to work? I noticed it won't compile without the export keyword. I want to achieve the same thing, but I don't want any export syntax in the js output.

@meetshawn It's been a while since I was looking at this and I actually forget what I was doing. Something about clicking on a component and wanting to shift focus to another component. I ended up abandoning it since it introduced a variety of bugs and I've been meaning to get back to it.

@joshmutus I see. I realized I could just use bracket notation.


This gives me no compile time errors, since the compiler just skips over it. Seems to work fine with the change made for this issue.