
Graph algos implementation

Primary LanguageJava

Graph Algorithms

What is Graph ?

Graphs in data structures are non-linear data structures made up of a finite number of nodes or vertices and the edges that connect them. Graphs in data structures are used to address real-world problems in which it represents the problem area as a network like telephone networks, circuit networks, and social networks.

Why Graph Algorithms are Important ?

Graphs are very useful data structures which can be to model various problems. These algorithms have direct applications on Social Networking sites, State Machine modeling and many more

Table Of Contents

  • Graph Representation
  • Breadth First Search (BFS)
  • Depth First Search (DFS)
  • Connected Components
  • Bipartite Graph using DFS
  • Bipartite Graph using BFS
  • Detect cycle in undirected graph using BFS
  • Detect cycle in undirected graph using DFS
  • Detect cycle in directed graph using DFS
  • Topological sort (DFS)
  • Kahn's Algorith (BFS Topological sort)
  • Djikstra's Algorithm
  • Prim's Algorithm
  • Disjoint Sets (Union-Find)
  • Union Find using Rank and Path compression
  • Krushkal's Algo