
list of functional components

yunjunz opened this issue · 0 comments

This issue lists the consolidated functional components needed for the ATBD. For each functionality, give a brief description, put a link to an existing code, otherwise create an independent issue with a detailed description of the functionality and its input/output parameters.

GNSS related

  • Fetching time-series data and document correction levels --> #3

Generic time series analysis for GNSS and InSAR

  • Functional fitting to LOS GNSS and InSAR time-series --> #4 [Done]
  • Functional fitting to 3D GNSS time-series --> optional secondary priority

GNSS and InSAR comparison

  • Project 2D/3D GNSS to InSAR LOS direction:
  • Retrieve InSAR observations at GNSS locations:

Statistical functions for comparison

InSAR related

UAVSAR related