Implimentation with xscreensaver
Closed this issue · 3 comments
Hello again Nischi!
I am currently using xscreensaver on my raspi. My goal is to use your Motion Control module in conjunction with xscreensaver. Ideally, xscreensaver would start after a couple of minutes, then your module would turn off the display after about 5 more.
I was wondering how i could get your module to deactivate xscreensaver upon motion detection?
Hi @SdeGeata
So you wanna disable xscreensaver if a motion is detected, right? I think that should be a seperate module then, because this module is only a hub for detecting motions. So i only send notifications if a motion is detected, and send another one if no motion is active anymore.
The other module should get the notifications and deactivate the xscreensaver if nessesary, like my module do with the tv.
Would there be a way to piggy-back os.system("xscreensaver-command -deactivate")
somewhere in your MotionControl module or CECControl module - I have both installed? I would rather be able to do so with existing modules and existing camera, I don't really want to add another sensor just to turn off the screensaver and I have no idea how to write a module.
Yes we can deactivate the Screensaver in CECControl. I will create an Issue on that Project and will implement it in the next few days. Or you are free to send me a Pull-Request :)