
Suggestion to expose underlying TextView of the SnackBar for flexibility

eclectice opened this issue · 1 comments

I need something like snackBar.getTextView() so that I can make the underlying textview, snackbarText with spannable text content like hyperlinks to be clickable to open via a web browser...for below example:

final SpannableString msg = new SpannableString(text);
LinkyCustomized.addLinks(msg, LinkifyCustomized.WEB_URLS);
Snakbar bar = Snackbar.with(context).... //whetever, this);

OK, it seems that by simply exposing getTextView() for snackbarText from SnackBar class is ignored by I end up creating public SnackBar movementMethod(MovementMethod movementMethod) to allow passing a custom MovementMethod instance to snackbarText