
Snackbar shown behind navigation bar

CarlosMChica opened this issue · 14 comments


I'm using your lib and it works pretty well on all devices I've tested it, but just discovered that on version 4.4.2 (At least on LG G3) when using translucentNavigation bar the snackbar is shown behind the navigation bar. Neither clipToPadding nor fitsSystemWindows solve the problem.

Screenshot :

Thanks in advanced

@cmc00022 thanks, will take a look at it when I get a chance

@wmora cool. If you need anything from my side just ping me. Thanks.

I can confirm the same bug in my project. It's a launcher and the snackbar is to be shown on the homescreen. The problem might be the theme "NoTitlebar"?!


I'd be happy to donate to the project if this bug gets resolved. Please let me know if you need further information.

@theknut's fix just released as version 2.5.3. It seems to solve the problem but it might need a bit more testing.

@wmora if you want I can do a little test this evening and get back to you with the results

@cmc00022 that would be great. I tested it on KitKat, Gingerbread and Lollipop and it works OK. Haven't tested it on tablets, though.

I'm not @theknut but that's ok :P I'll write back here during the evening ;)

@cmc00022 LOL! sorry about that :P I haven't had enough coffee today

I'd buy you one but there is no donate button/link. Do you have a paypal account to donate to?

@theknut there's a link on my website for now, I'll eventually put one here

Alright, have a few coffee's ;) Thanks for the library!


@wmora It does work correctly now :) Thanks a lot for the support.

thank you and thanks to @theknut for the PR