
Snackbar doesn't show up when some keyboard activity is there above it !!

Sharad001 opened this issue · 2 comments

Sir ,
In my application there is one scenario where i am using keyboard and if i press the button in my application which is for some purpose then if the conditions are not satisfied a snackbar is popped up but it is behind the keyboard so please help me out how to show it above the keyboard !!

wmora commented

Duplicate of #10.

The way the Snackbar is implemented is to always position itself at the bottom of the view. The keyboard is on top of the view so the Snackbar is expected to show itself behind the keyboard.

You could set your layout's windowSoftInputMode as "adjustResize" and it will appear above the keyboard.

Same issue, I have windowSoftInputMode set to adjustResize but the snackbar is hiding behind the keyboard nonetheless