
Example Request: Add a calculator project

palaksinghania05 opened this issue · 6 comments

I want to contribute to this repository. I would like to add a working calculator project made in flutter. Can I make a PR under hacktoberfest?

Yes. Go ahead.

Do you want to describe what will be part of this calculator i.e Is it a normal calculator app or a scientific calculator app.

Also make sure to follow the package naming and directory structure of this repo.

Thank you.
It is a normal calculator app.
I will make sure to follow package naming and directory structure

Sure. Make sure to look up the Readme about the guidelines for opening a PR.

hello 🙋🏻‍♂️.
I would like to contribute to this repository with a simple calculator in flutter.

is this issue still accepting pr?

Hi, I would like to work on this issue. Please assign it to me.