niteeshchaudhary's Stars
Footcap is fully responsive ecommerce website
A very simple subset of C Compiler(Lexical Analyzer, Syntax Analyzer, Semantic Analyzer & Intermediate Code Generator) implemented in C++ using Flex and Yacc-Bison as an assignment of sessional course CSE 310 in undergraduate studies in CSE, BUET
A P2P file sharing system like Bit Torrent implemented using socket programming, multi-threading and SHA1 hashing. Users can share, download files from the group they belong to. Downloading is done in parallel with multiple pieces from multiple peers.
Peer to Peer file sharing network implementation in Java.
This Code allows you to play 2 player, AI vs human and Ai vs AI chess game. Some AI Algorithms are already present in code and some are yet to be written. Additionally It uses Computer Vision which can enable it to play chess online with lichess.