
This repo is created for clothgram-kube-front

Primary LanguageTypeScript

This repo is created for frontend developer

Active website can be found here - ##############TEST###################

For Frontend - https://test-clothgram.kube.rukjaana.com

For Dashboard - https://test-dash-cloth.kube.rukjaana.com

For older version of dashboard - https://api-clothgram.kube.rukjaana.com/dashboard/

Username - admin@example.com Password - admin ##############TEST###################

############## DEMO ###################

For Frontend - https://clothgram.kube.rukjaana.com

For Dashboard - https://dash-clothgram.kube.rukjaana.com

############ DEMO ##################

To use this report follow below steps:

    1. Copy git using below command

git clone https://github.com/niteshldd/clothgram-kube-front.git

If you are unable to view the page contant nitesh@uruvelaa.com

    1. Checkout the test branch to start development

git checkout test

Also you can create your branch and later you can merge with test branch Developer only can push to test branch not to master as build will not happen if this will done

    1. To push the update to branch below command

git add .

#to add all the file which is update or you can specify the file

git commit -m "Provide your comment here what's new to track and it shoould meaningfull"

Below command will push the commit to test branch

git push origin test

TO run this in local follow the below step

  • Start installation with below command
  1. npm i

  2. create env variable with below command

export API_URI=https://api-clothgram.kube.rukjaana.com/graphql/

  1. npm start

you should be able to access the web page from




Now every thing well good then you should see the update in below link for test

For Frontend - https://test-clothgram.kube.rukjaana.com

For Dashboard - https://test-dash-cloth.kube.rukjaana.com