Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

EPIC (E-field Parallel Imaging Correlator)

A modular and generic direct imaging correlator for radio interferometer arrays.


Note that currently this package only supports Python 2.6+, and not Python 3.

Using Anaconda

If using the Anaconda python distribution, many of the packages may be installed using conda.

It is best to first create a new env:

conda create -n YOURENV python=2.7 anaconda

Activate this environment:

source activate EPIC

Then install conda packages:

conda install progressbar psutil pyyaml h5py

You also need AstroUtils:

pip install git+https://github.com/nithyanandan/AstroUtils.git

which will install a list of dependencies.

Finally, either install EPIC directly:

pip install git+https://github.com/nithyanandan/EPIC.git

or clone it into top-level directory called EPIC and install from this directory:

mkdir EPIC


pip install .

Basic Usage

run_EPIC.py -i /path/to/imagingparms.yaml

where /path/to/imagingparms.yaml is a YAML file specifying all imaging and processing parameters. See example in
