
Example Implementation does not include code for reversed output

solomonbstoner opened this issue · 4 comments

The example implemented printed when --verbose true does not include the code for reversed output. The output reflection function had to be manually included.

// Function that reflects its argument
my_crc_basic::value_type my_crc_basic::reflect(value_type  x ) const {

  value_type        reflection = 0;
  value_type const  one = 1;
  for( std::size_t i = 0 ; i < width_ ; ++i, x >>= 1 ) {
    if ( x & one ) {
      reflection |= ( one << (width_ - 1u - i) );
  return reflection;

Thank you very much for your feedback. It's true, that part is missing and maybe other ways to use the CRC, too.

Hi Martin! Thanks for accepting my PR. Assign this issue to me. Ill work something out

Thank you very much for your support and offer. I'll transfer the issue to you.

@nitram2342 could you review my PR, please?