
This doesnt work on Ubuntu 20

STashakkori opened this issue · 1 comments

I don't know if this is because of ubuntu 20 incompatibility or someone if the tool is simply broken but if you run the example line:
./bruteforce-crc --file test.txt -width 10 --offs-crc 49 --start 0 --end 49

You will get:
Warning: input reflection only works if range start ... end is N * 8 bit with N > )
No model found.

The README instructions actually contain a typo: ./buteforce-crc etc etc etc

I hope that doesn't mean this tool wasn't actually tested. Hope this helps

Thank you for your feedback. I updated the documentation. It was not in sync with how the tool should be started after several changes. Please try:

./bruteforce-crc --verbose 1 --file data.txt --start 0 --end 49 --width 10 --offs-crc 49 --probe-initial true

Warning: input reflection only works if range start ... end is N * 8 bit with N > 0

Extracted message with crc 03fa
Extracted message with crc 0145
Extracted message with crc 00e7
Extracted 3 messages and CRC values
Brute Force CRC Settings
CRC Width		: 10
Truncated Polynomial	: 0x0 to 0x3ff
Truncated Polynomial	: 0x0 to 0x3ff
Initial value		: 0x0 to 0x3ff
final xor		: 0x0
Probe reflect in	: false
Probe reflect out	: false
Feed type               : auto
Permutation count	: 1046529

Multithreaded CRC Brute Force Initiated
Number of threads	: 4
Number of test vectors	: 3

Testing Known CRC's for Length 10

Starting brute forcer over selected threads

Starting Thread 0, searching from 0 to fe
Starting Thread 1, searching from ff to 1fd
Starting Thread 2, searching from 1fe to 2fc
Starting Thread 3, searching from 2fd to 3ff

----------------------------[ MATCH ]--------------------------------
Found a model for the CRC calculation:
Truncated polynom : 0xbd (189)
Initial value     : 0x95 (149)
Final XOR         : 0x0 (0)
Reflected input   : false
Reflected output  : false
Feed type         : auto

Found 1 matches.