

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi! I realize I'm a bit early here, but I'm very interested in this software. I could really use something like this for Linux and I'd like to help out in some way. I teach classes in graphic design, so I'm quite used to the lingo these apps use. I was therefore wondering if you would like a Swedish translation? I don't know if there is a system for translations yet, but if/when there is I can fix a translation.

Also, I somehow preferred the name WhitePrint Studio, but this one is fine too. :)

Either way, thanks for working on this!

Hi Imerion,

thanks for your interest in Draftoola. Yes, it is a very early development state and currently I'm focusing on the canvas widget. For sure it is planed to localize the UI. Qt (the development framework) supports the creation of .po files that can used for translations. Therefore I would like to use It is a free translation tool for Open Source software and I already worked with it. But I think it is too early for translations. I would like finish the basics at first.

Also, I somehow preferred the name WhitePrint Studio, but this one is fine too. :)

I renamed it because I wanted to have something unqiue that avoid possible trademark copyright violences, etc. I just googled for Draftoola and got 5 results, so I guess it is save. 😄
