Unable to list files from s3 bucket
davemooreuws opened this issue · 3 comments
davemooreuws commented
Bug Report
I am using the Node SDK 0.10.0 to try list the files of a bucket on AWS.
import { api, bucket } from "@nitric/sdk";
const helloApi = api("main");
const profiles = bucket("profiles").for("reading", "writing", "deleting");
helloApi.get("/files", async (ctx) => {
try {
const files = await profiles.files();
return ctx.res.json({
} catch (e) {
return ctx.res.json({
error: e,
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
- use the typescript example template
- add the above code
- deploy to AWS
- attempt to retrieve the files via the /files GET endpoint
should return an empty array like it does on GCP
Output of nitric info -o yaml
"os": "windows",
"arch": "amd64",
"goVersion": "go1.18.10",
"cliVersion": "1.15.0",
"fabricVersion": "v0.22.0",
"containerRuntime": "docker",
"containerRuntimeVersion": "platform:\n name: Docker Desktop 4.11.1 (84025)\ncomponents:\n- name: Engine\n version: 20.10.17\n details:\n ApiVersion: \"1.41\"\n Arch: amd64\n BuildTime: \"2022-06-06T23:01:23.000000000+00:00\"\n Experimental: \"false\"\n GitCommit: a89b842\n GoVersion: go1.17.11\n KernelVersion: 5.4.72-microsoft-standard-WSL2\n MinAPIVersion: \"1.12\"\n Os: linux\n- name: containerd\n version: 1.6.6\n details:\n GitCommit: 10c12954828e7c7c9b6e0ea9b0c02b01407d3ae1\n- name: runc\n version: 1.1.2\n details:\n GitCommit: v1.1.2-0-ga916309\n- name: docker-init\n version: 0.19.0\n details:\n GitCommit: de40ad0\nversion: 20.10.17\napiversion: \"1.41\"\nminapiversion: \"1.12\"\ngitcommit: a89b842\ngoversion: go1.17.11\nos: linux\narch: amd64\nkernelversion: 5.4.72-microsoft-standard-WSL2\nexperimental: false\nbuildtime: \"2022-06-06T23:01:23.000000000+00:00\"\n",
"detectedErrors": []
Other info
In the Node SDK, data is undefined from the this.storage.StorageServiceClient.listFiles call
tjholm commented
Release in dev providers (needs prod release of CLI & providers to be available).
tjholm commented
released to nitric aws provider v0.23.0