Azure - deploy the code to already existing "resource group" without creating a new one
Closed this issue · 3 comments
Feature Request
Add a parameter in config .yaml
for deploying the code to already existing "resource group".
As a user with an Azure account provided by my company, but without admin rights I'm not able to create a new "resource group" before deploying the code. But a have an already created "resource group" by my admin assigned to my acc. In that case I'd like to have a config parameter to define in which resource group my code should be deployed. If that parameter is not defined, a new resource group must be created when deploying.
Other info
This makes sense to me. We'll need to verify this won't cause conflicts or name collisions if two projects/stacks are configured with the same existing resource group, if it does we'll need to look for a workaround.
have raised: #648
Will need to do some testing with it. Most of the resources we deploy should be appended with random identifiers that should prevent them from conflicting within the same resource group, but we'll do some testing with multiple stacks to see if we come up against any limitations.
released in v1.11.0