
git push..

dan4ik605743 opened this issue · 3 comments

For which day I have been trying to make my own NUR repository. Staying with git push. Asks for login password. I do not understand what he needs to try to enter from sveogo all to no purpose. Made a repo: Everything is as it should be. I edited repos.json, executed ./bin/nur format-manifest, made a git commit -m "add dan4ik605743 repository", and now I'm doing a git push. And that's all .. Help please.

Mic92 commented

Hi! In order to make a pull request you need to fork the repo. Click on the fork button on this repo to make a fork.
Than clone the fork repo, make your change. Commit and push it. After you have pushed to your own fork, you can create a pull request. There is also github documentation on how to do pull requests from a forked repo.