
Recommendation regarding zsh compinit

nh2 opened this issue · 4 comments

nh2 commented

Hi, a hit an issue with zsh that starting a new shell (by opening a new terminal, typing zsh, or benchmarking with command time zsh -i -l -c ':') took ~300 ms, causing a noticeable, annoying delay.

Using zprof (e.g. as described here) showed that compinit and compaudit took > 85% of that time, and that they were called repeatedly (3 times for me). Both are related to zsh's completion system.

After a bit of reasearch, e.g. mainly, I learned that during zsh startup:

  • You need to initialise the zsh completion system once by calling compinit
  • By default (when not calling it with -C), it also creates a cache file .zcompdump; this takes extra long
  • Any time you add some completions afterwards during zsh startup (e.g. via home-manager's plugins for other shell-integrating software like atuin, fzf, or skim) which modifies the fpath (if I understood it right), zsh automatitically has to re-run compinit.

Here is my concrete setup:

  • Using global NixOS config in /etc/nixos/configuration.nix (where I load the grml zsh config)
  • A bit of extra user-specific config in home-manager's home.nix

Because of that, I get compinit calls in:

In the latter, it seems home-manager already knows about the problem, because there's a comment:

# Oh-My-Zsh/Prezto calls compinit during initialization,
# calling it twice causes slight start up slowdown
# as all $fpath entries will be traversed again.
${optionalString (cfg.enableCompletion && !cfg.oh-my-zsh.enable && !cfg.prezto.enable)

        # Oh-My-Zsh/Prezto calls compinit during initialization,
        # calling it twice causes slight start up slowdown
        # as all $fpath entries will be traversed again.

My issue request:

home-manager should give some advice what to do in such situations, to minimise compinit/startup time e.g. when mixed NixOS/home-manager zsh configs are in use.

nh2 commented

I currently came up with the following workaround:

In /etc/nixos/configuration.nix:

  # zsh
  programs.zsh.enable = true;
  programs.zsh.interactiveShellInit = ''
    # Enable the below for profiling zsh's startup speed.
    # Once enabled, get numbers using:
    #     zsh -i -l -c 'zprof'
    #zmodload zsh/zprof

    # Disable `compaudit` being invoked from GRML cominit call.
    # See:
    # This speeds up shell loading.
    zstyle ':grml:completion:compinit' arguments -C

    # Load grml's zshrc.
    # Note that loading grml's zshrc here will override NixOS settings such as
    # `programs.zsh.histSize`, so they will have to be set again below.
    source ${pkgs.grml-zsh-config}/etc/zsh/zshrc

    # From
    # Theoretically it should not be needed (as described on
    # but I couldn't figure out how to make the GRML zshrc do only a single compinit
    # without compaudit but generating .zcompdump (I use `-C` for
    # `:grml:completion:compinit` above to avoid compaudit but that also skips
    # generating `.zcompdump` apparently).
    # Snippet based on
    autoload -Uz compinit
    if [[ -n ${ZDOTDIR:-$HOME}/.zcompdump( ]]; then
      # We don't do `compinit -C` here because the GRML zshrc already did it above.
  programs.zsh.promptInit = ""; # otherwise it'll override the grml prompt

  # Speed up zsh start by running compinit manually (see config above).
  programs.zsh.enableGlobalCompInit = false;

In home.nix:

    zsh = {
      enable = true;
      # Using GRML zshrc in /etc/nixos/configuration.nix currently
      # instead of `oh-my-zsh` because so far it cannot properly show
      # git rebases in the prompt, which I care a lot about.

      # My global NixOS config does `compinit` already.
      # Disabling it in my user's `.zshrc` because calling it multiple
      # times causes startup delay, see:
      enableCompletion = false;

So in summary, I

  • tell both NixOS's and home-manager's zsh module to not call compinit, because GRML does it already
  • I tell the GRML call to pass -C so that it doesn't run compaudit (which I try to avoid overall)
  • I use the approach that many blogs link to ( to run full compinit (without -C) only once per day, instead of at each zsh startup.

This works, but I am not sure if it is optimal, and it also means that if compaudit prints any warnings, I only get the chance to see them once per day (which I guess is fine for me).

stale commented

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thanks, you saved my day indeed

EDIT. I found that when I use zplug, it compinit on behalf of me so I could get rid of compinit things from my nixes

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