
High CPU && RAM usage

fuhen56 opened this issue · 4 comments

Extreme RAM usage.

  • System: NixOS unstable channel.

I've installed it through "nix run ." and the resulting program is slow. I just thought it's the standard Emacs experience, since this is my first ever try.

But then I started hearing my laptop's fan screaming. I was surprised by this:

flake.nix (default)
  description = "nix-doom-emacs home-manager module";

  inputs = {
    # TODO: change back to master once we get synced back with upstream changes
    doom-emacs.url = "github:doomemacs/doomemacs/3853dff5e11655e858d0bfae64b70cb12ef685ac";
    doom-emacs.flake = false;
    doom-snippets.url = "github:doomemacs/snippets";
    doom-snippets.flake = false;
    emacs-overlay.url = "github:nix-community/emacs-overlay/c16be6de78ea878aedd0292aa5d4a1ee0a5da501";
    emacs-overlay.flake = false;
    emacs-so-long.url = "github:hlissner/emacs-so-long";
    emacs-so-long.flake = false;
    evil-escape.url = "github:hlissner/evil-escape";
    evil-escape.flake = false;
    evil-markdown.url = "github:Somelauw/evil-markdown";
    evil-markdown.flake = false;
    evil-org-mode.url = "github:hlissner/evil-org-mode";
    evil-org-mode.flake = false;
    evil-quick-diff.url = "github:rgrinberg/evil-quick-diff";
    evil-quick-diff.flake = false;
    explain-pause-mode.url = "github:lastquestion/explain-pause-mode";
    explain-pause-mode.flake = false;
    format-all.url = "github:lassik/emacs-format-all-the-code/47d862d40a088ca089c92cd393c6dca4628f87d3";
    format-all.flake = false;
    nix-straight.url = "github:nix-community/nix-straight.el";
    nix-straight.flake = false;
    nose.url = "github:emacsattic/nose";
    nose.flake = false;
    ob-racket.url = "github:xchrishawk/ob-racket";
    ob-racket.flake = false;
    org-contrib.url = "github:emacsmirror/org-contrib";
    org-contrib.flake = false;
    org-yt.url = "github:TobiasZawada/org-yt";
    org-yt.flake = false;
    org.url = "github:emacs-straight/org-mode";
    org.flake = false;
    php-extras.url = "github:arnested/php-extras";
    php-extras.flake = false;
    revealjs.url = "github:hakimel/reveal.js";
    revealjs.flake = false;
    rotate-text.url = "github:debug-ito/rotate-text.el";
    rotate-text.flake = false;
    sln-mode.url = "github:sensorflo/sln-mode";
    sln-mode.flake = false;
    ts-fold.url = "github:jcs-elpa/ts-fold";
    ts-fold.flake = false;
    ws-butler.url = "github:hlissner/ws-butler";
    ws-butler.flake = false;

    nixpkgs.url = "nixpkgs/nixpkgs-unstable";
    flake-utils.url = "github:numtide/flake-utils";
    flake-compat.url = "github:edolstra/flake-compat";
    flake-compat.flake = false;

  outputs = { self, nixpkgs, flake-utils, ... }@inputs:
    let inherit (flake-utils.lib) eachDefaultSystem mkApp;
    in eachDefaultSystem (system:
      let pkgs = import nixpkgs { inherit system; };
      in {
        apps = {
          default = self.outputs.apps.${system}.doom-emacs-example;
          doom-emacs-example = mkApp {
            drv = self.outputs.packages.${system}.doom-emacs-example;
            exePath = "/bin/emacs";

        devShells.default = pkgs.mkShell {
          buildInputs =
            [ (pkgs.python3.withPackages (ps: with ps; [ PyGithub ])) ];

        package = { ... }@args:
          pkgs.lib.warn ''
            nix-doom-emacs no longer supports the deprecated `package` flake output.
            It will be removed after the release of NixOS 23.05.

            Please use `packages.${system}.default.override { ... }` instead!
          (pkgs.callPackage self args);

        packages = {
          default = self.outputs.packages.${system}.doom-emacs-example;
          doom-emacs-example = pkgs.callPackage self {
            doomPrivateDir = ./test/doom.d;
        checks = import ./checks.nix { inherit system; } inputs;
      }) // {
        hmModule = import ./modules/home-manager.nix inputs;
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  "version": 7

I don't have much experience with how nix flakes work, so I couldn't start debugging this myself.

Any help is appreciated.


This is my first ever github issue, and I've literally spent 30 minutes on it!? If I haven't included enough information, please tell me.

You may be able to find the source of the CPU usage via:

Including a profiling report here may allow others to help out as well, if the reason wasn't plainly obvious.

It's also worth noting that this package is marked as broken, according to #556; I have no solution there, but it makes it difficult to ramp up as a new doom user.

We probably missed some nativecomp and it's doing that in the "background" trying to catch up. But yup, broken.

The bug mysteriously has been resolved.

The only hint I have is that when first launched, and left at the home page, Doom Emacs would take all the CPU and RAM it can. But once I started using it as slow as it was, it got to the normal, expected range.

Should I try to replicate the error for future reference? If not, I'll close this issue.

And thank you, @Dessix & @ckiee for your help.

I think there's no need. There's just a bunch of things that should be done at build that aren't, this issue can stay open as another note of that.