
How can I load the image in a VM?

madorian opened this issue · 6 comments

In the tutorial, step 7, it says it can test the image in a VM.

Can I also connect to this local VM?

I want to see that the image works the way I expect it to, in a VM.

Yes. Step 7 in the Quickstart tells you the command to run the VM. Does that work for you and is this issue only about the question of how to get a shell there?

If so, and if your config has got SSH enabled, you can use --impure (to allow access to the local environment) and QEMU_NET_OPTS to forward SSH from port 22 in the VM to port 2222 locally.

i.e. something like

QEMU_NET_OPTS="hostfwd=tcp::2222-:22" nix --impure run github:nix-community/nixos-anywhere -- --flake <path to configuration>#<configuration name> --vm-test

ssh -p 2222 root@localhost 

should work

Right, but how about if the image has Xorg and you want to inspect the WM configuration, etc?

the --vmtest builds "${flake}#nixosConfigurations."${flakeAttr}"", a nixos test configuration from disko under the hood to check the installation process.
If you want to run an automated test, make sure that is set to true

if you want to check it interactively, the straightest way here might be to use a normal nixos vm, i.e.
QEMU_NET_OPTS="hostfwd=tcp::2222-:22" nix --impure run .#nixosConfigurations.$


ok, I'm on deep water here, so how would the actual command look like for your nixos-anywhere examples?;)

I assume this $host is a placeholder for the hostname in the config file?

QEMU_NET_OPTS="hostfwd=tcp::2222-:22" nix --impure run .#nixosConfigurations.$```

If I run it verbatim, except --impure is an argument to run:

BASHY $ QEMU_NET_OPTS="hostfwd=tcp::2222-:22" nix run --impure .#nixosConfigurations.$
warning: Git tree '/home/b0ef/repoman/2024-01-07.nixos-anywhere-example/nixos-anywhere-examples' is dirty
error: flake 'git+file:///home/b0ef/repoman/2024-01-07.nixos-anywhere-example/nixos-anywhere-examples' does not provide attribute '', '', '' or ''

This issue has been mentioned on NixOS Discourse. There might be relevant details there: