
Add option to prevent unmounting and exporting ZFS pool

TECHNOFAB11 opened this issue · 8 comments

I just tried to use nixos-anywhere for a new server and noticed it now unmounts and exports the ZFS pool.
I need these to stay mounted though so that I can copy over the SSH keys for SOPS.
An option to prevent that would be nice, like no-reboot, maybe no-u(n)mount?

I have the same use case. It's actually in disko here:

haven't dug in yet to see how it could be bypassed.

In the at the end it also exports all ZFS pool, I don't think the Disko destroy script is currently used for that as that presumably deletes partitions?

yeah i think I jumped the gun before I had to head out. I looked at that script and it tests for zpool command and does that recurive unmount.

I'm on btrfs though so I dont think that's my issue.

I decided I'm going to pre-provision fresh ssh keys and put them in sops before running nixos-anywhere with --extra-files to copy them onto the host like this:

then the initial build will work and I won't have to come back after to update my secrets, rebuild, and redeploy.

Mic92 commented

Yes --extra-files should be preferably used to bootstrap secrets. Would be cool if someone could make this more clear in our quickstart if this is not already the case - Maybe even some sops-nix section...

fin444 commented

--extra-files should be preferably used to bootstrap secrets

Isn't it insecure to create secrets on one machine and copy them to another?

Isn't it insecure to create secrets on one machine and copy them to another?

Not if done correctly. If secrets are clear text and written to files, they should be written correctly permissioned to tmpfs (ram), or encrypted storage, network copied over a secure transport (ssh), and stored similarly on the remote.

This isnt automated yet, and cloud-init is overwriting the keys I copy with --extra-files after reboot. But maybe useful for ideas. Excuse the mess.

Mic92 commented

--extra-files should be preferably used to bootstrap secrets

Isn't it insecure to create secrets on one machine and copy them to another?

With sops-nix, your local user can decrypt your servers secrets already, so also having the decryption key, doesn't change a lot.

Mic92 commented

Isn't it insecure to create secrets on one machine and copy them to another?

Not if done correctly. If secrets are clear text and written to files, they should be written correctly permissioned to tmpfs (ram), or encrypted storage, network copied over a secure transport (ssh), and stored similarly on the remote.

This isnt automated yet, and cloud-init is overwriting the keys I copy with --extra-files after reboot. But maybe useful for ideas. Excuse the mess.

My personal preference these days is to generate just the age key for use in sops and have the ssh key just be a secret like everything else. Than you can rotate both independently and also deploy secrets to machines without an ssh service running. In clan we have then a facts module generating the actual ssh key for each host automatically:

and store the results back into sops-nix automatically.

In clan we also wired up update and install commands in a way that they automatically provision secrets. For nixos-anywhere, we also use the --extra-files argument:

This implementation also uses a temporary directory as mentioned by @sedlund