Generated shortcuts are invalid
MichaelBrunn3r opened this issue · 2 comments
This shortcut ...
programs.plasma.shortcuts = {
"kwin"."Window Move" = "Meta+G,,Move Window";
... generates this line in kglobalshortcutsrc
Window Move=Meta+G\\,\\,Move Window,,
Not only are there invalid (?) \\
, but also 2 trailing ,
. Upon restarting the computer, this invalid line will be reset to its default.
In contrast, generating the shortcut like this ...
programs.plasma.configFile.kglobalshortcutsrc = {
kwin."Window Move".value = "Meta+G,,Move Window";
... generates a valid line, which KDE accepts:
Window Move=Meta+G,,Move Window
Am I missing something or is this a bug?
plasma-manager doesn't really support adding the description for keybindings (at least for now). Setting "kwin"."Window Move" = "Meta+G";
should work (that's what it expects). Maybe some more options for setting the descriptions will come in the future, but it isn't really the biggest priority.
Oh, I didn't know that information was optional and contained e.g. the default value. Your suggestion works for me, I don't have a need for descriptions for now.
Thx for the help