Please add support for domains + posibility of command for expiry only
ShaiMagal opened this issue · 3 comments
ShaiMagal commented
Please add support for domains
Is it possible to add any command for only return expiry date? Now I must use awk command for this. And it returning like:
13-mar-2020 - but better is 13-03-2020 (again I must use strtr for make it bettere readable)
Version latest now (2.18)
hawkeye116477 commented
Please add support for domains
Whois doesn't show interesting info for these domains, so it's not possible. You need manually go to for example
and check it.
Anyway, see #42.
click0 commented
1. Please add support for domains
My fork of the script works.
# sh -d
Domain Registrar Status Expires Days Left
----------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- -------- ----------- --------- MARK-0292 Valid 24-jul-2021 321
click0 commented
2\. Is it possible to add any command for only return expiry date? Now I must use awk command for this. And it returning like: 13-mar-2020 - but better is 13-03-2020 (again I must use strtr for make it bettere readable)
Approximately here you can independently override the ${DOMAINDATE} variable