

trans opened this issue · 5 comments

trans@logisys:confection$ qed -t 20 qed/verify.rdoc 
From: /home/trans/Desktop/Programs/rubyworks/confection/qed/verify.rdoc @ line 17:

    12:     config = confection(:foo)
    14:     assert Confection::Controller === config
    16:     require 'pry'
 => 17:     binding.pry
    19:     # TODO: Bug in AE? This doesn't work, and calls Controller#text somhow.
    20:     Confection::Controller.assert === config
    22: Then if we execute it using `#call` it will be evaluate in the current

[1] pry(#<QED::Scope>)> step
ArgumentError: uncaught throw :breakout_nav
from /home/trans/.rbfu/rubies/1.9.3-p0/lib/ruby/gems/gems/pry-nav-0.1.0/lib/pry-nav/commands.rb:27:in `throw'

I second this, happens on every one of my apps (on 1.9.3 for me). I can't use Pry-Nav because it doesn't work for me.

Ditto the above, as well as occasional segfaults when next-ing or step-ing

@fromagie the current solution is to require 'pry-nav' explicitly in the code prior to a binding.pry

As for the segfaults this is certainly a bug in Ruby itself -- pry-nav is pure ruby and should never cause a segfault no matter what happens.

@banister, Is this some sort of loading order issue with my Pry.start monkeypatch?

@nixme, Yes, basically plugins are loaded too late for your Pry.start monkeypatch to take effect. I'll try to move plugin loading to an earlier stage for the next release, see the discussion here: pry/pry#489