DEWI direct extrem weather information

A project as part of the class "Geosoftware II" in the winter term 2019/ 2020 at the Institute for Geoinformatics at the university of Muenster.

GitHub Repository


Getting Started

  1. Download or clone the GitHub Repository git clone

Starting with Docker:

  1. install Docker on your local machine
  2. open shell and navigate to folder DEWI_Geosoft2_WS19-20_huef_jaku_nier_nisk_sten
  3. ensure that the settings in docker-compose.yml match the settings in config.yml
 └── api
  |   └── config.yml
 └── docker-compose.yml  
  1. run docker-compose up
  2. open localhost:3000

Starting without Docker:

  1. install Node.js v10.xx and MongoDB v4.xx on your local machine
  2. open shell and create MongoDB
    • on Windows: "C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\4.2\bin\mongod.exe" --dbpath="C:\path_to_DEWI_Geosoft2_WS19-20_huef_jaku_nier_nisk_sten\api\data" (ensure that the folder data exists)
  3. open another shell and navigate to folder api
 └── api
  • run npm install
  • run npm start
  1. wait until API is started successfully
  2. open another shell and navigate to folder app
└── app
  • run npm install
  • run npm start
  1. open localhost:3000


A Postman test script is provided as DEWITest.json.

└── api
    └── test
        └── DEWITest.json

It can either be uploaded to postman or executed via newman.

If newman is already installed you just can use npm test:

  1. start the Application wit npm or docker like explained above
  2. open another shell and navigate to folder api
  3. run npm test and inspect result

With newman it is also possible to inspect performance. Eaxample Test Run with 100 iterations and an json response object.

newman run <Folder> -n 100 -r json,cli --reporter-json-export <path>

A result of this performance test, conducted by ourselves, can be downloaded here.

Further information about newman.


Further information about the API is available in the wiki. The provided config.yml template offers various possibilities to configure the API.

 └── api
     └── config.yml


A demo with test data supplied can be accessed via localhost:3000/demo.


  • Phil Hüffer
  • Nick Jakuschona
  • Tom Niers
  • Luc Niski
  • Jan Stenkamp