Can't connect Apollo 1.7.1
vincar opened this issue · 4 comments
Hi, when I use the latest version of ruby-mqtt,it will print
mqtt-0.5.0/lib/mqtt/packet.rb:281:in `read': Connection reset by peer (Errno::ECONNRESET)
and Apollo print
at org.apache.activemq.apollo.mqtt.MqttProtocolHandler.on_mqtt_connect(
I don't personally use Apache Apollo.
Did it work in previous versions of ruby-mqtt?
The major change in 0.5.0 is that it now defaults to MQTT v3.1.1 (the OASIS Standard published in October 2014). You can go back to the old protocol version using:
MQTT::Client.connect('', :version => '3.1.0')
See the release notes for more changes:
Surprised/disappointed that there isn't a version of Apache Apollo that supports MQTT 3.1.1 - that is the only version that has been properly standardised.