
Modify `dndR` Website

Closed this issue · 3 comments


Having the website be in the package repo is nice for keeping my list of repositories svelte and for keeping all dndR stuff in the same place. However, it has some downsides that are becoming cumbersome:

  1. Stops README from "knitting", instead it "renders" (unless you run rmarkdown::render("README.Rmd") which is annoying
    • Rendering creates a "README.html" and a weird Quarto subfolder for README files while knitting updates "README.md" which is what we want for a good package landing page
  2. Less important (for now) but on the horizon: increases the repo size on GitHub and may make the package bigger too (even though in theory the website content is all listed in the .Rbuildignore)


  • Create new repo for the website ('dndR-website'?)
  • Move all website content into that one
  • Set up website building from that new repo
    • Replace link in description for both repos with the new website link
  • Delete website content from package repo
    • Turn off page building in settings of package repo
  • Add page to website for party_diagram!
    • Remember to crosslink with Tim's website and thank him (as I do in the README currently)

Update - Website repo created!

  • Standalone website repo created see njlyon0/dndR-website
  • Migrated most content over but my wifi is not good right now so I can't test if the website will build right this moment

Update - Page built

Decided to risk it and it looks like the page built correctly! Some final checks remain though:

Remaining Tasks

  • Update dndR on my computer so that the website repo can run the party_diagram code chunks (it's version of dndR doesn't include that package
    • Remember to re-render the site after updating dndR!!
  • Update roxygen2 and re-document dndR to remove the dialogue about it AND re-check the R package via GitHub's R-CMD check (two birds...)
  • Once everything works, close the original party_diagram issue (see here: #5)


Accomplished all tasks and am good to go!