
web backend and frontend for the RESTaurant project

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Web frontend & backend for the RESTaurant project.


This project is the backend server program to provide RESTful APIs to client and also includes a Web App for restaurant management. The software stack we choose is:

  • Node.js for high performance event-driven server
  • Redis for caching (only cache access_token for now)
  • MySQL for persistent datasotre


  1. Install and start redis server on localhost, default port.

  2. Install and start MySQL database.

    • Create a database named "restaurant".
    • Create tables from "ddl.sql".
    • (Optional) Configure you own connection params in "rest-server/utils/database.js".
  3. Node.js.

    • install node.js
    • install dependencies: cd rest-server; npm instal
    • start the server: sudo node bin/www. By default, it's started on localhost:80.


  1. SuperAdmin
    • see list of joined restaurants in "localhost/admin"
    • edit each restaurant
    • add manager account for each restaurant

Image of SuperAdmin page

  1. Restaurant manager
    • login at "localhost/manager/login".
    • manage dining tables at "localhost/tables"
    • manage dishes at "localhost/dishes"
    • manage coupons at "localhost/coupons" and push coupons to customers
    • view pending orders at "localhost/orders"
    • accept/deny pending orders
    • view accepted order in schedule table.

Image of index page


Some pictures and CSSs are borrowed by canku.