
Update README.md with more querying examples

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Right now the How to query section is looking kind of sad. Sure, it covers the basics, but it would be nice if there were more examples. Especially, more complex examples.

Mainly I'm interested in showing examples of how to:

  • Sort
  • Filter
  • Limit

Additionally, creating examples that show how to put together queries both in GraphiQL and how that query would look in code, in a GraphQL project. Both coded static queries and regular queries would be great, too.

Further, sharing how to access the "Docs" section in GraphiQL to peruse the schema (i.e. to answer a question like: "what are the fields on my StripeCustomer nodes").

If you're interested in helping beef up this section, feel free to:

  1. Fork the project
  2. Update the README.md
  3. Submit a PR!

Any and all help, as always, would be much appreciated. 🎉

Hi Josef,
This is possibly a dumb question but new to gatsby and this project and stripe
You mention a new project will throw an error "Cannot query field
you then go on to say remove from graphql allStripeSku
Can you give more information on what you mean specifically and on which page please?
And do you mean create a product in Stripe (website) or locally?
Thanks in advance