
Out of date Stripe SDK API version

Opened this issue · 5 comments


[x] Put an X between the brackets on this line if you have done all of the following:

  • Read through the README fully.
  • Ensured you are running Node v.10 or above.
  • Made sure you're using at least Gatsby v.2.0.15.
  • Checked that your issue isn't already filed.

Describe the bug

The stripe version for this library is now about 3 years old. https://github.com/njosefbeck/gatsby-source-stripe/blob/main/package.json#L51 (stripe@8.191.0) and I'm needing some newer functionality from the sdk for my netlify worker functions. Any chance of updating this to the current version of Stripe API (apiVersion: 2022-11-15 at the time of this writing)?

Fwiw, I've used this project a ton for helping small businesses depend on stripe as a source for gatsby builds. I'm also willing to attempt the upgrade myself but want to check that such a PR would be well received before I attempt

To Reproduce
Attempt to access newer stripe sdk methods

Expected behavior
They work

Versions (please complete the following information):

os: [macos]
node: [16]
npm: [9]
gatsby: [4]
gatsby-source-stripe: [4]

Gatsby config:

Copy the portion of your Gatsby config for this plugin here. Do not include your secretKey.

  resolve: `gatsby-source-stripe`,
  options: {
    objects: ['Sku', 'Product', 'Customer'],
    secretKey: '...',
    downloadFiles: true,

Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.

Hi @brianfeister! I'd be totally happy for you to take over maintenance of this project! Let me look into how I can get you permissions to push up new versions to npm.

I've added you as a collaborator to the repo as a first step!

Thanks @njosefbeck! I'll take a closer look at this and follow up. Quick question, what is your typical workflow (broad strokes) for local development with this as a package to validate it prior to publishing?

Also, where's the source for the README on the Gatsby site here? https://www.gatsbyjs.com/plugins/gatsby-source-stripe/

So in the past I would have this repo as a directory nested under a plugins directory in a sample Gatsby project, so that the local version of the plugin would be used in the Gatsby site. Using npm run build will run the tests and build the JS files. After that you just set up the plugin as you would any other Gatsby plugin (using test credentials from Stripe, etc).

Also the Gatsby site just picks up the README in this repo and uses it on the site, so nothing special needs to be done there. I don't know what the lag is like though between pushing up the README in this repo / publishing it to npm to when it updates on the Gatsby site.

Hopefully the above is helpful! Let me know if you have other questions!