Unable to set Processor
Closed this issue · 2 comments
Was trying to install the library to test it.
I did the instructions in the wiki
here: https://github.com/jmgraeffe/monogame-3d-animation-tutorial/wiki/Adding-library-to-existing-project#add-aetheranimation-li[…]-windowssharpdx-project
But when trying to set the processor for a test fbx file, the aeather lib ones are not available. Only the base GameLab options
This seems related to #2.
The link you provided probably used MG 3.7 or earlier. With 3.8.0 and 3.8.1 they progressively dropped support for .NetFramework 4 an Netstandard 2.0, and with all the unresolved issues that come with it I could not see a working path on how I could still support it.
Since v1.1.0 the library migrated to KNI framework.
Anyone that need to target MonoGame will have to use v1.0.0.
Or to build the library from source will the necessary changes.