
Dashboard "Top Keys" shows Redis password

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I created a password-protected local Redis instance that I want to monitor. Then I created a second local Redis instance for RedisLive. I logged in the first Redis instance using redis-cli and authentified using AUTH <my password>. Then in the RedisLive dashboard, my password appeared in plain text in Top Keys and the AUTH command in Top Commands. Is this the expected behavior? How can I avoid this?

This is the redis.conf of the first Redis instance. I used the default parameters except for the following:

pidfile /Users/me/work/redis/run/redis.pid
port 6380
loglevel debug
logfile stdout
dbfilename dump.rdb
dir /Users/me/work/redis/data
requirepass foobared

This is the redis.conf of the second Redis instance for RedisLive:

pidfile /Users/me/progs/RedisLive/run/redis.pid
port 6399
loglevel debug
logfile stdout
dbfilename dump.rdb
dir /Users/me/progs/RedisLive/data

I am using Python 2.7 and redis 2.9.1 (both from Anaconda). I use the latest version of RedisLive (cloned from github yesterday)