
Add PointerEvents

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I recieve a perspective of the web being that of both past, present, and future; as building being built on top of old building, spec bing layout on top of old spec. Where there is no true obsolete, just out of data(contradiction). We just keep building, only those who I announce as wizards of web, programing, tech wiz, or a combination are keeping track of the past. To make sure we don't fall on a weak foundation.

I said the same thing about jibo, it's cute and I can think of a few application to build for it... After I'm finish learning what I'm learning. ECMAScript, HTML, CSS, XML(and the likes), and APIs.

I'm trying to get xqib back started. I feel it's a better alternatives to google's dart programming language. Just need to get developers to take a look at it to become interested. It already have documentation showing how efficient it is in both browser, server, and middleware. And it's concises to say the least; less typing to do more in other words.

There are other programming language I want to learn too, like WebGL and processsing. Since those two can be use as an API for ECMAScript. And also wish for E4X to be reborn with SAX methods(even know it doesn't need it, but it is a nice touch non the less).

Looks like blink won't add pointer events and IE will be adding touch events:


PointerEvents will probably be abandoned