
HTML is faster

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When referring to the ECMAScript, using the html version would be faster than waiting for the document it self to load. Here: http://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/5.1/ I have it as my home page.

I would pull request do this for myself since I'm going to go through that section more so then likely...

Great suggestion. I updated about half the types. I'll try to get the rest of them soon.

Finished the rest this morning.

Sorry, didn't see that you response... if I was more advance in JavaScript I would have done a pull request... but... see how fast you did it, if you would have told me how to go about doing it, I would have not mind doing it for you.

Thanks for offering to help out! You can take a look at the changes to see what I did - it's mostly just updating the link to point to the version you provided. You can see the diff here: 9c91125

Is there any area of JS/programming you are interested in? Audio? Graphics? I can help give ideas to get you started.

O wow, it was that simple... I check it out on the site, and it's so much better then waiting for the pdf file to download... Sorry I did not response faster, I was busying studying on oops again. I'm interested in both, any thing JS! I want to be a JavaScript Wizard, and plus anything related or and can be manipulated by JavaScript; html, css, SVG(awesome), and apis. What magic(programming languages) Are you a novice(beginner), intermediate(same), or a Wizard~ of? I like to use those terminology cause I can see for those who don't even try to reach for understand of this or any knowledge may look at it as magic.

... Could you create a page that would help one understand the pages that give no sandbox, but have a... they start out with a red text and have... Here: http://www.javascripture.com/AudioListener

I how to guide on how to better understand that. That kind of page would help those(including myself) know how to... I guess read/interpret pages as the one the link provide to.... I will create another request/issues for that. Hope you don't mind, this will show activity and hopefully get more involve in this... Although, I do like it when it is small like this(maybe a couple of more volunteers would be fine) but this just me I'll have the likely more chance of being heard..

I just came back to say sorry for not spell/grammer checking this. I just type and that it. I spell check and grammar check my request though.

Good to hear you want to learn everything there is about JavaScript :) I started JavaScripture.com to help me learn about the language. I find playing with things and writing down my findings the best way to learn. I use the site to record what I learn about the language and related APIs (and hopefully help others learn about them too). I have also programmed a lot in C#, C/C++, and Java and a little bit in Perl, Ruby, and Python over the years (~15 years at this point!).

I don't have a lot of knowledge of the JS Audio API. I started adding a few notes on the AudioContext and OscillatorNode pages based on reading the spec. The Audio API can definitely be a bit hard to understand. If that's an area you want to try learning, I would start with the AudioContext page and try to flesh out some more of the functions like createGain and createDynamicsCompressor. Once you have a grasp of those, try to tackle AudioListener or other more complicated types.

I think the SVG docs would also be a great place to help out. SVGRectElement is one of the simplest types available in the SVG API. I just added the members for that type (do a 'git fetch upstream' and 'git merge upstream/master' to get them). The documentation for SVGRectElement lives in /content/svg/svgrectelement.jsdoc. You can look at /content/svg/svgelement.jsdoc for examples of defining the svg element and using JavaScript to inspect the elements.

I really appreciate your interest in the project. It's been pretty quiet here so far so I don't think there's reason to worry about having too many contributors yet :)

You-you-you're a wizard! You're a wizard... As I am a novice.... You're a wizard...

On that note, thanks for the advice. Do you have any recommendation on books? I like reading documentations, manuals, guides with plenty of example toward each topic cover with explanation; I would read ecma-script, if it wasn't written in warlock form. The JavaScript definitive guide seem to cover ecma-script over all(at least that what they advertise on their book) so I'm going to read that, after I finish these online articles/guide I'm currently reading, plus the pocket version of the book.