
Cross-module references with `@link` are not recognized

Tschakki opened this issue · 4 comments


As the title says, I think there is a bug that @link cross-modue references are not recognized by the plugin.


I try to reference a class in another module like this:

@see {@link LiskValidator}
@see {@link Lisk_Validator.LiskValidator}
@see {@link LiskValidationError}
@see {@link Lisk_Validator.LiskValidationError}

As I am new to TypeDoc, it might also be that I am referencing incorrectly, so I tried a few different ways, but none of the above links work.

The rendered result looks like this:

As you can see,under Returns the link it recognized successfully for LiskValidationError, but under See the link is not recognized.

Here is the link to the example:

Thanks for opening the issue. I'll try to look at this shortly.

Judging from Typedoc's documentation the syntax seems correct, so that's probably a case we haven't already managed in the plugin.

This plugin shouldn't have to do anything for links. According to TypeDoc, this link is invalid. {@link @liskhq/lisk-validator!LiskValidationError} should work. The Declaration references docs describes how links are resolved.

Thanks @Gerrit0 , you are right, my references were not correct. The example that you shared works well for me, thanks a lot!