This is a pure javascript driver for the protocol buffer encoding protocol. It supports most of the types defined by protocol buffers, including 64 bit integers which are returned as long objects.
- reads output from proto2json as a schema
- encodes objects to buffers
- decodes buffers to objects
- make your breakfast
var protobuf = require('protobuf.js');
var proto2json = require('node-proto2json');
proto2json.parse(fs.readFileSync('./riak_kv.proto', 'utf8'), function (err, result) {
var translator = new protobuf(result);
//msg will *only* contain the protobuf encoded message, *NOT* the full riak packet
var msg = translator.encode('RpbGetReq', { bucket: 'test', key: 'test' });
//again, this will *only* decode the protobuf message. you have to remove the riak header yourself
var decoded = translator.decode('RpbGetResp', responsePacket);