Inconsisten operator[]
Closed this issue · 2 comments
Operator [] behaves inconsistentnly, depending if the const
overloads is picked or not
It should be considered a bug because const/mutable overloads (especially for operator[]
) changing the meaning of code is problematic.
As examples:
- std::vector, array, std::array have overloads for operator[] that behaves the same for const and mutable; in all variants, access to the underlying object is provided (otherwise UB). member function at, which acts like a checked operator[] throws if there is no object.
- std::map has mutable operator[], but no const operator[]. While it is not nice, at least it causes an inconsistency at compile-time, and not runtime
Reproduction steps
void foo(nlohmann::json& j){
const auto& subobject = j["example"]; // does not throw
void foo(const nlohmann::json& j){
const auto& subobject = j["example"]; // throws if "example" not present
Expected vs. actual results
Expected result would that either both variants throw if the object does not exist or none throws.
Since the pattern
nlohmann::json j = nlohmann::json::object();
j["example"] = ...;
is common, it would be problematic for operator[] to throw if someone want to add an object.
Thus the most sensible approach would be to have operator[] not throwing in both cases.
Currently I'm using
const auto& j = json.contains( "example" ) ? json["example"] : nlohmann::json::object();
as workaround, this snippet behaves consistently with const and mutable objects.
The main drawbacks are
- needs to remember to use this pattern (with ternary operator in order to take advantage of lifetime extension to avoid copies from operator[])
- duplicate the objects it want to search (once for contains, and once for operator[])
- create a local nlohmann::json::object()
This pattern could be integrate in the const version of operator[].
If the library defines a global const nlohmann::json::object(), then operator[] (const overload) could return the value in the object, or, if nothing found, the global object.
Since it is constant, it should not be problematic that different json objects return a reference to the same object.
With this change, operator[] would provide a more consistent behavior.
nlohmann::json j = nlohmann::json::object();
returns an empty object for both the mutable and const overload.
j["example"] = ...
compiles only for a mutable object (like currently)
The end-user of the library cannot distinguish (unless it compares the addresses) if the object already exists, has been created new, or is the global empty object.
Minimal code example
#include "nlohmann/json.hpp"
int main(){
nlohmann::json j = nlohmann::json::object();
j["example"]; // does not throw
const nlohmann::json j = nlohmann::json::object();
j["example"]; // throws
Error messages
No response
Compiler and operating system
gcc14.2 on linux and other systems
Library version
trunk, 3.11.1
- The bug also occurs if the latest version from the
branch is used. - I can successfully compile and run the unit tests.
The behavior is documented here:
You may consider it inconsistent, but it is the same since version 1.0.0 of the library. Changing it now would break existing code which is something I don't intent to do.