
ensure esm, cjs, typescript builds are usable

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I built a test repo with some test commands that should verify if we're packaging nlx libs correctly.

I don't think we are.

Some issues:

  • package.json expects the main field to be a commonjs lib (fixed in #119)

  • (not a umd / web problem) node checks either the file extension (.mjs -> esm, .cjs -> commonjs) or the type: field in package.json to figure out whether the dependency should use common js or esm packaging. I thought this blog post was helpful
    Some solutions:

    1. we rename the two files .mjs / .cjs
      - pros: it works without a type field in package.json
      - cons: apparently it's not supported by all build tools

    2. we build two different package.jsons for js and esm
      - pros: it should work for all builds tools
      - cons: it's a bit more complicated

  • mixing default & named exports isn't properly supported by commonjs (or by our umd build)

let's resolve the second and third issue and

  • add the test-repo build scripts to CI
  • automate the browser packaging test and add it to CI as well (puppeteer?)

@jakub-nlx asks in slack, "Do we need to support cjs?"

@jakub-nlx @michaelglass we have one user left on a legacy webpack build system, we expect them to be off within the next few months. After that, I would say that we should 'support cjs in a scrappy way', as in I would be comfortable telling users that if they really want cjs, they need to change the import path to @nlxai/chat-core/lib/index.cjs if they want to get to the compatible file.

Ok then I propose a third option:

  1. we rename the common js file to .cjs
  2. we add a type:module to all the package.json files

let's see if that makes the test repo happy.