
What / where to feed the kWh imported and exported

Closed this issue · 11 comments

Hi @nmakel thanks for your solaredge proxy.
I'm feeding info from my Dutch P1 meter to Solaredge. This output provides separate fields for import & export
The current import/export W for solaredge is working fine with calculating export-import.

I'm struggling to understand what the solarEdge expects as values for the export & import KwH
I was feeding the meterposition (electricityDeliveredT1 + electricityDeliveredT2 & electricitySuppliedT1 + electricitySuppliedT2) to it by supplying the meter in export_energy_active and import_energy_active but that gives very odd bar in the solaredge app as it seems my total import and export in a single day.

Do you know what SolarEdge expects for this, is it a value that resets every day, or every hour, never (as I was expecting)?

Note this is what I get from my meter (using https://github.com/mcrapts/p1-reader to convert to MQTT)

  "versionInformation": 50,
  "timestamp": 1648374916,
  "equipmentIdentifier": "E0069000717977322",
  "electricityDeliveredT1": 1593648,
  "electricityDeliveredT2": 1337601,
  "electricitySuppliedT1": 148511,
  "electricitySuppliedT2": 297506,
  "tariffIndicator": 1,
  "electricityDeliveredActual": 0,
  "electricitySuppliedActual": 2608,
  "powerFailures": 41,
  "powerFailuresLong": 28,
  "powerFailureEventLog": "10|0-0:96.7.19|220326050040W|0004303445|220326050040W|0004303446|220326050039W|0004303448|220301082909W|0002155955|220301082909W|0002155955|220301082909W|0002155957|220204115736W|0000008462|220204115736W|0000008462|220204115736W|0000008464|220129113651W|0004300285",
  "voltageSagsL1": 11,
  "voltageSagsL2": 10,
  "voltageSagsL3": 6,
  "voltageSwellsL1": 15,
  "voltageSwellsL2": 15,
  "voltageSwellsL3": 16,
  "textMessage": "",
  "instantaneousVoltageL1": 233,
  "instantaneousVoltageL2": 231,
  "instantaneousVoltageL3": 231,
  "instantaneousCurrentL1": 4,
  "instantaneousCurrentL2": 3,
  "instantaneousCurrentL3": 3,
  "instantaneousActivePowerL1Plus": 0,
  "instantaneousActivePowerL2Plus": 0,
  "instantaneousActivePowerL3Plus": 0,
  "instantaneousActivePowerL1Min": 948,
  "instantaneousActivePowerL2Min": 883,
  "instantaneousActivePowerL3Min": 775,
  "deviceType1": "003",
  "equipmentIdentifier1": "G0073004116253431",
  "deviceValue1": 1037.661

Here you see in my week consumption 4.05 MWh which is a biiiiit too much ...

Screenshot_2022-03-27-12-19-29-347_com solaregde apps monitoring

Hi! Here's a sample of the data I'm sending to the inverter (obtained from a SDM630 in single phase mode), which should give you an idea of the expected units:

    'energy_active': 171.77099609375,                               # kWh (total import + export)
    'import_energy_active': 57.836997985839844,             # kWh
    'power_active': 561.8052368164062,                            # W
    'l1_power_active': 129.37228393554688,
    'l2_power_active': 344.997314453125,
    'l3_power_active': 88.22502136230469,
    'voltage_ln': 238.35206604003906,                               # V
    'l1n_voltage': 238.43624877929688,
    'l2n_voltage': 238.165771484375,
    'l3n_voltage': 238.48741149902344,
    'voltage_ll': 0.0,
    'l12_voltage': 0.0,
    'l23_voltage': 0.0,
    'l31_voltage': 0.0,
    'frequency': 49.8844108581543,                                    # Hz
    'l1_energy_active': 171.77099609375,                            # kWh (import + export)
    'l1_import_energy_active': 57.836997985839844,          # kWh
    'export_energy_active': 113.93399810791016,               # kWh
    'l1_export_energy_active': 113.93399810791016,
    'energy_reactive': 153.6859893798828,
    'l1_energy_reactive': 153.6859893798828,
    'energy_apparent': 230.48785400390625,
    'l1_energy_apparent': 230.48785400390625,
    'power_factor': 0.6266472935676575,
    'l1_power_factor': 0.5347498059272766,
    'l2_power_factor': 0.6997311115264893,
    'l3_power_factor': 0.5260195136070251,
    'power_reactive': -698.6649169921875,
    'l1_power_reactive': -204.4337921142578,
    'l2_power_reactive': -352.2327880859375,
    'l3_power_reactive': -142.6428985595703,
    'power_apparent': 896.5253295898438,
    'l1_power_apparent': 241.93048095703125,
    'l2_power_apparent': 493.0426330566406,
    'l3_power_apparent': 167.72193908691406,
    'l1_current': 1.0146546363830566,
    'l2_current': 2.0701656341552734,
    'l3_current': 0.7032737731933594,
    'demand_power_active': 390.0171203613281,
    'maximum_demand_power_active': 0.0,
    'demand_power_apparent': 802.758544921875,
    'l1_demand_power_active': 247.37389027341123,
    'l2_demand_power_active': 399.4080980680883,
    'l3_demand_power_active': 166.98351734959851

Here you see in my week consumption 4.05 MWh which is a biiiiit too much ...

Screenshot_2022-03-27-12-19-29-347_com solaregde apps monitoring

So this is probably a unit issue. I also ran into this accidentally during debugging. To remove this value from the dashboard I needed to open a ticket with SolarEdge support. With a bit of luck they can remove the erroneous values from the graphs.

Thanks for the input.
I'm running the script now for couple of days. It happened 2 times more that it had and will indeed create a support ticket for removing those.
Still awaiting the day I see matching numbers for energy in the portal . (power is working fine).
The strange thing is that I see the correct values for the energy on the powerEdge itself. (at least I see the total meter kWh for import & export)

What I noticed is that for me the timeout settings have a very big impact. I somewhat expect that the strange numbers are cuz of data errors when I was setting various timeouts
with timeout 1sec, the device get stuck on requesting address-1601
with timeout .1 I see requests for 1601, 1651,1701, 1001, 1101,2128 and many 1011
every seconds there are quite a few request for 1011, than every 4 sec the others are requested.

Is it normal to have so many 1011 requests (I see around 8 requests/second) or is it some sort of error and it is not happening with a regular wattnode?

What is unexpected / strange in your example is the energy_active , as acc to the spec I was assuming it is the export - import, but in your example you have it as import+export

Note, I assume the Energy shown in the screen is suppose to show the current meter value, not the daily number right?

I'm feeding

   "demand_power_active": 801.6722222222222,
    "energy_active": 2536.827,
    "export_energy_active": 547.341,
    "frequency": 50,
    "import_energy_active": 3084.168,
    "l1_demand_power_active": 44.044444444444444,
    "l1_export_energy_active": 547.341,
    "l1_import_energy_active": 3084.168,
    "l1_power_active": 37.0,
    "l1n_voltage": 234.0,
    "l2_demand_power_active": 345.21666666666664,
    "l2_power_active": 351.0,
    "l2n_voltage": 233.0,
    "l3_demand_power_active": 411.8333333333333,
    "l3_power_active": 446.0,
    "l3n_voltage": 233.0,
    "p1_current": 0.1581196581196581,
    "p2_current": 1.5064377682403434,
    "p3_current": 1.9141630901287554,
    "power_active": 839.0,
    "voltage_ln": 234.0


I can say that I finally had 2 days that everything fully matched, import & export included.
The trick was the setting of timeout = .1 .

dunno if the rootcause of the issue, if it is something in the hardware, or the pymodbus or something in the solarEdge that causes the behavior.



Note, I assume the Energy shown in the screen is suppose to show the current meter value, not the daily number right?

I'm feeding...

Check your p1_current p2_current and p3_current. Those should be l1_current etc.

My unit does not have a display, so I cannot confirm, but it sounds right.

I can say that I finally had 2 days that everything fully matched, import & export included. The trick was the setting of timeout = .1 .

dunno if the rootcause of the issue, if it is something in the hardware, or the pymodbus or something in the solarEdge that causes the behavior.



Great news, thanks for letting me know! The timeout value is good to know, I will add that as the default -- my setup is based on RS485 to ethernet converters, so I never have this issue.

Are you using the latest solaredge firmware, by the way? Just to confirm this still works on newer firmware -- I have mine locked to an older release.

Before installing the energy meter I updated to the latest firmware for inverters with display: Version Date July 2020
Single Phase Inverter with HD-Wave Technology | CPU 3.2537 | DSP1 1.0.1036 | DSP2 2.0.910

So, yes it still works.

closing as it works perfect now