
Error in format of meter phase to phase voltage variables, some prefix c_ issues, storage to influxdb

Jusufs opened this issue · 3 comments

Thanks for nice work.

I found small errors on following inverter telegrams:

  • Please correct formta of four voltages to unsigned from signed values in your program.
    Line to Line Voltage
    40199 M_AC_Voltage_L L
    40201 M_AC_Voltage_A B
    40202 M_AC_Voltage_B C
    40203 M_AC_Voltage_C A

  • All meter variables should be have not the same prefix as inverter c_ vars, maybe m_ ?
    Same battery variables not c_vars, maybe b_ ? Or is this correct ?
    After change of prefix I can see in json all meter variables.
    In normal ASCII non json format the meter variavbles are not shown.

  • Storage in influxdb should be by measutrement in separate series, not all in a serie like inverter and meter ....
    This needs parsing of json variables before storage into Influxdb.

Best regards,


Hi. Thanks for nice work.

Thanks! Glad you found it useful.

* Please correct formta of four voltages to unsigned from signed values in your program.

Both the documentation and results from my own inverter/meter combo suggest these really are signed ints.

* All meter variables should be have not the same prefix as inverter c_ vars, maybe m_ ?
  Same battery variables not c_vars, maybe b_ ? Or is this correct ?
  After change of prefix I can see in json all meter variables.
  In normal ASCII non json format the meter variavbles are not shown.

Changing the prefix resulted in values that previously were not shown being shown in the JSON output? Which registers were those?

* Storage in influxdb should be by measutrement in separate series, not all in a serie like inverter and meter ....
  This needs parsing of json variables before storage into Influxdb.

Feel free to submit a PR on example_influxdb.py with a suggested fix. I agree that additional parsing is required, which is what most people do (including me) I imagine.

The text formated, non JSON output displays only INVERTER values.
Why I can't see in text values from meter1 please ?

The text formated, non JSON output displays only INVERTER values.
Why I can't see in text values from meter1 please ?

Meter and battery values are not implemented in the example script. You're free to use the example as inspiration and extend it as you require.