Getting started is not clear for newbies
Closed this issue · 4 comments
voronianski commented
I'm new to iOS development but would like to try this awesome navigation controller.
So my question is - do I need manually make MyViewController inside my app the same as in example ( while adding all these stuff to my storyboard?
voronianski commented
@nmattisson another question regarding triangle, is it possible to put it on the left side without overriding drawOpenLayer
nmattisson commented
Hi @voronianski,
I know you closed the issue so I'm assuming you figured it out already, but just in case someone else have the same questions:
- Yes, you need to use Storyboard to make your menu, and then hook the different components up to the appropriate outlets in the code. This is by design, with the idea that it's better to make UI in the editor than to write code to do it.
- With such a small change I would just change the coordinate in the code. It's generally not the recommended approach, but in that specific case I think it's easiest.
voronianski commented
@nmattisson yeah, works like a charm! thanks ;)
nmattisson commented
@voronianski Great, happy you like it!