
`sim.from_position` returns wrong gyroscope readings

tianyeeee opened this issue · 7 comments

I tried using traj_ref, gyro, accel = sim.from_position to generate a trajectory, but found it seems gyro is not correct.

Hi! Could you be more specific? Maybe provide a code snippet.

Thank you very much for your reply.
I just used your sample code in "examples/ins_gps.ipnb". When I run traj_ref, gyro, accel = sim.from_position(dt, lat, lon, t, h=h, p=p, r=r) this code, the trajectory is OK, but gyro values seem not correct, because I integrated using np.cumsum(gyro) it gives very small values. However, according to the trajectory, the vehicle should have made many turns larger than, cumulatively, pi (180 degree). Is that correct?

I uploaded two figures of this issue:

In addition, the number of values seems incorrect, because there should be t / dt sensor values (around 10000), here it only has around 1001 inertial sensor values.

I see. The problem is that the sim.from_position/velocity were simplified to accept time series with time step equal dt (that is you need to do the interpolation beforehand). And the example was not updated, unfortunately.

I have to say that this library in a poor state at the moment. I have a much improved version (including GNSS and tightly-coupled INS/GNSS) which I have been developing inside a company, maybe at some point I will be able to transfer the code here.

Meanwhile, it would be great if you could fix the example, at least.

I see. The problem is that the sim.from_position/velocity were simplified to accept time series with time step equal dt (that is you need to do the interpolation beforehand). And the example was not updated, unfortunately.

I have to say that this library in a poor state at the moment. I have a much improved version (including GNSS and tightly-coupled INS/GNSS) which I have been developing inside a company, maybe at some point I will be able to transfer the code here.

Meanwhile, it would be great if you could fix the example, at least.

I'll have a try. Thanks a lot.

Hi, I'll try to update this example.