
How to include your own library in an acadnme style wrapper.

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I am not too clear how I might add hxDaedalus to an acadnme application. Just that currently when I test my code with nme it can take quite awhile to parse some real bitmaps with:
BitmapObject.buildFromBmpData( bmd, 15 );
When I use as cppia it's extremely slow leaving a mobile in a state of inactivity for probably a min, so I think I need to either precompute triangles which I don't currently know how to feed them back in, or simpler create an 'acadaedalus' ( add hxDaedalus to acadnme and possibly also polygonal.ai ) which would then hopefully provide a more optimal interface for my prototyping. I found this line I could add it here but was wondered if there was a bit more to it than that.

Also I am wondering if I can debug the app from my cmd once the file is uploaded, and if telemetry can be made to work.

If you clone the acadnme project, you can add your own files by importing them into the haxe code. Since dead-code elimination is turned off, this will bring them into your version of acadnme.
If you look at the "engine/src/Acadnme.hx" file, it uses "import AllNme;". I generated this file by doing "find . name '*.hx'" in the nme directory and then some text processing. You could do the same for your library.